On September 19, 2007 CRRC-Armenia hosted a workshop on "Best Practices in the Collection of Migration Data in Armenia" conducted by Aaron Erlich, CRRC Regional Development and Outreach Coordinator. The workshop involved 12 participants from different organizations including State Migration Agency, Public Health Care Reform Project (USAID/EMG), Military Hospital of CIS, ICHD, Foundation for Small and Medium Businesses, FIDEC Representative in Armenia and Aplha Plus Consulting.
Participants looked at three large surveys (MiReM, MMP, Nanrong). Particularly they discussed the designs and debated about pros and cons of the ethnosurvey. During the group exercises and the brainstorming, the participants discussed potential benefits and problems of the surveys when adapting to the Armenian reality. The participants shared their ideas on what might work in Armenia regarding structure of surveys and sampling based on their work experience. Importance of documentation and building on knowledge on migration related data process was emphasized throughout the workshop.
