CRRC-Armenia organized a Methodological Training on the topic of “Modern Economic Growth Theory: Models and Empirical Implications,” conducted by Vahagn Jerbashian from 12-13th of July, 2010.
During the training several neoclassical models of economic growth were presented, such as the models of Solow-Swan, Ramsey, Lucas, Romer, Jones, van de Klundert and Smulders, as well as Kaldor stylized facts of growth. After presenting those models, their weaknesses and shortcomings were discussed and suggestions were made how those models can be used in real-life economy.
During the last lecture STATA was used for analyzing the data on telecommunication in OECD countries starting from 1980s. It was an efficient way of using the theoretical knowledge learned from models for analyzing certain examples from real life.
The Training was mainly attended by young researchers from different educational institutions, as well as different governmental organizations.
By the end of the course the participants who regularly attended the orientation training, received Certificates of attendance.
Vahagn Jerbashian is a doctoral student in Economics at The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education Economics Institute (Prague, Czech Republic) a joined program of Charles University and Czech Academy of Science. He has received his MA in Economics from the same program and has already co-authored a few publications. He has also been a recipient of several grants and scholarships related to his academic career.
