2010 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households: Report Becoming Available

CRRC-Armenia is about to go public with the results of the 2010 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households. Conducted in November 2010 with 1,528 respondents nationwide, it is the third annual survey implemented within USAID’s Mobilising Action Against Corruption Activity in Armenia.

The final stage of the project will be the dissemination of survey results. An analytical report in Armenian and English presents findings for 2010 in comparison to survey data from 2009 and 2008. It contains information on general corruption perceptions, personal experiences, corruption-related individual behavioral patterns, perceptions of governmental and non-governmental anticorruption activities, and other issues.

CRRC-Armenia is planning a total of 7 public presentations for various auditoria during the month of April. The presentations are tentatively scheduled as follows:


Tentative Date

Vanadzor: for a mixed group made up of the general public, NGO and business community, youth, local government and media representatives


Gyumri: for a mixed group made up of the general public, NGO and business community, youth, local government and media representatives


Yerevan: for the general public, NGOs, private sector groups, profit and non-profit organizations


Yerevan: for representatives of universities and research centres, including Yerevan State University, the American University of Armenia, the National Academy of Sciences, and other universities and research centres


Yerevan: for high school and university students in cooperation with Jinishian Memorial Foundation


Yerevan: for officials from the Government of Armenia and from different governmental structures


Yerevan: for journalists


The electronic version of the analytical report, dataset, survey instruments and some presentations materials are available at CRRC-Armenia website http://www.crrc.am/index.php/en/7/999/.
