CRRC Regional Director Dr. Hans Gutbrod conducted two presentations for international community on July 25, 2011 in Yerevan, Armenia, based on the surveys conducted by CRRC.
The first presentation was on "Armenia 2011 Media Public Opinion and Preference Survey" at Congress hotel. The survey is a part of USAID funded Alternative Resources in Media (ARM) program. The study portrays Armenian media landscape through the eyes of an average Armenian, as well as a media professional; it provides data on media preferences, media-related attitudes and a range of insights into specific topics, such as perceived level of media independence, media consumption patterns, alternative media and so on.
Alternative Resources in Media (ARM) program aims at enhancing and improving access to pluralistic and unbiased information in Armenia via traditional and alternative media through the use of new information technologies. The ARM program is jointly implemented by Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Internews Network (USA), Internews Media Support NGO and Yerevan Press Club. The program is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Deputy USA Ambassador in Armenia John Maher and Head of USAID Democracy and Governance Office Stephen Brager were among the guests of the presentation.
More information on Alternative Resources in Media survey is available at
In the afternoon Dr. Gutbrod conducted another presentation at USAID on the main findings of Caucasus Barometer 2010, implemented in the countries of the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) in fall 2010.
Caucasus Barometer (previously known as Data Initiative Program) is a program of CRRC, implemented annually starting from 2004. It aims to collect information on public perception, concerning social, political and economic issues. This survey gives a unique opportunity to make cross country comparisons, as well as monitor the changes in public perception in separate countries throughout years.
For more information on Caucasus Barometer please visit
